Events, Keynotes & Competitions

Events, Keynotes & Competitions

Josep travels across Europe to stimulate audiences with his ideas and best practices about Data Strategies and related topics. This page compiles some of the his public events, keynotes and competitions.


Events & Keynotes

  • 07/03/2023 | Perú | Gestión de Datos para la creación de valor, mitos y oportunidades | UOC & UCAL
  • 25/05/2022 | Malaysia | Fairness: How AI creates and maintains inequalities | Entreprise Big Data Framework
  • 03/03/2022 | Armenia | The Netflix effect debate: Data-Driven vs. Storytelling | IE University
  • 09/02/2022 | Ecuador | La Plataforma del Dato | Universidad Internacional SEK
  • 12/01/2022 | France | La Casa de Papel debate: How can we explain the show’s success? | IE University
  • 14/12/2021 | Madrid | Drift. Pérdida de rendimiento en aprendizaje automático | The Bridge
  • 01/12/2021 | Indonesia | The Importance of Data Analytics: Managing Business in the Industry 4.0 Era | SMB-ITB (School of Management and Business – Institut Teknologi Bandung)
  • 20/11/2021 | Russia | The Netflix effect debate: Data-Driven vs. Storytelling | IE University
  • 17/11/2021 | Madrid | Interpretable AI. Las razones ocultas en la toma de decisiones algorítmica | The Bridge
  • 19/10/2021 | Madrid | Fairness: cómo IA crea y mantiene desigualdades | The Bridge
  • 16/09/2021 | Madrid | El emperador desnudo. Una introducción a la IA Responsable | The Bridge
  • 11/06/2021 | China | Data-Driven Personas | IE University
  • 25/06/2021 – 01/06/2021 | APAC | The Netflix Effect Debate: Data Driven vs Storytelling | IE University
  • 13/05/2021 | Madrid | Introducción de la IA en la educación primaria y secundaria. El caso de L’Escola L’Horitzó  | Aciertas
  • 13/04/2021 | Barcelona | Orientados a datos o destinados al fracaso | URV MBA Alumni
  • 04/02/2021 | Dubai | Entrepreneurship in the era of COVID-19 | IE Alumni
  • 21/01/2021 | Kuala Lumpur | Fundamentals of Consumer Insights | IE University@FintechLabs
  • 16/01/2021 – 30/01/2021 | Worldwide | The Money Heist Challenge | IE University
  • 17-19-24/11/2020 | Americas | Money Heist: Data vs. Storytelling Series | IE University
  • 12/11/2020 | Kuala Lumpur | SMEs & Data: friend or foe? | IE University@RiseBowls
  • 30/09/2020 | Jakarta. Use case of Machine Learning in Tokopedia: Harnessing the Potential of AI for the Marketplace Ecosystem | IE University@Tokopedia
  • 25/06/2020 | Sydney | How machine learning works for Big Data: tips, tricks and cases | IE University@AIESEC
  • 16/06/2020 | Lima. | Taller: Marketing para el nuevo mercado. Business Analytics | Cámara de Comercio Americana del Perú (AmCham Perú)
  • 28/11/2019 | Surabaya | What Managers Must Know About Machine Learning | IE HST@IDN Media
  • 27/11/2019 | Bandung | Machine Learning : Machine Learning Methods for Business & Management Research | IE HST@Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • 27/11/2019 | Bandung | Machine Learning : What Business Students Must Know. IE HST@Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • 26/11/2019 | Jakarta | Customer Analytics. IE HST@Prasetya Mulya University
  • 26/11/2019 | Jakarta | What managers must know about Machine Learning. IE HST@Tokopedia
  • 22/08/2019 | Melbourne | Data-Driven or Nothing | AGSM (UNSW)
  • 20/08/2019 | Wellington (New Zealand) | Data-Driven or Nothing | AGSM (UNSW)
  • 16/08/2019 | Canberra | What leaders need to know to create a data-driven organization | AGSM, UNSW (for the Department of Finance)
  • 27/06/2019 | Sydney | How to create the perfect recommendation? | IE
  • 24/06/2019 | Manila | Interested in Innovation? Consider data and analytics as your best allies? | HST @ Ignite
  • 20/06/2019 | Sydney | How machine learning works for Big Data: tips, tricks and cases  | IE
  • 10/04/2019 | Barcelona | Advance Factories 2019 | Quality 4.0: Processing of Big Data
  • 12/02/2019 | Barcelona | Escola L’Horitzó | Aplicació de Deep Learning a L’escola
  • 23/11/2018 | Berlin | Interpreting Machine Learning: a top priority soon | Data Natives
  • 24/08/2018 – 25/08/2018 | Lima | Big Data Analytics Summit 
  • 19/04/2018 | Madrid | UOCMeet: Data Science | UOC
  • 23/03/2018 | Mumbai | How to create the perfect recommendation | HST @TCS
  • 22/03/2018 | Mumbai | Storytelling: The Power to Influence with Data | HST
  • 22/03/2018 | Mumbai | Becoming a Data Driven Organisation | HST @ISME
  • 21/03/2018 | Delhi | Storytelling: The Power to Influence with Data | HST
  • 20/03/2018 | Bangalore | How to create the perfect recommendation | HST @Amazon
  • 19/03/2018 | Bangalore | Storytelling: The Power to Influence with Data | HST
  • 12/02/2018 | Ciclo Data Science | UOC
  • 03/10/2017 | Oslo | IE HST | Data has shape and shape has meaning
  • 02/10/2017 | London | Big Data & Analytics @ UCL
  • 25/08/2017 – 26/08/2017 | Lima | Big Data Analytics Summit 
  • 21/06/2017 | Madrid | UOC Data Day | La forma de tus datos tiene significado
  • 14/06/2017 | Barcelona | UOC Data Day | El repte de transformar-se en una organizació orientada a dades
  • 10/06/2017 | Tblisi | IE HST | How to create the perfect recommendation?
  • 09/06/2017 | Baku | IE HST | Do you want to create competitive advantages? Think about data and analytics
  • 08/06/2017 | Baku | IE HST | Do you want to create competitive advantages? Think about data and analytics
  • 08/06/2017 | Baku | IE HST | Disruption in the banking industry through Big Data Analytics (AMCHAM in Azerbaijan)
  • 07/06/2017 | Istanbul | IE HST | GBA Ready Set Startup
  • 07/06/2017 | Istanbul | IE HST | Conference on Social Impact with Data Analytics
  • 05/06/2017 | Istanbul | IE HST | Open Data and Open Data Science
  • 05/06/2017 | Istanbul | IE HST | Disruption in the banking industry through Big Data Analytics
  • 01/06/2017 | Veracruz | Foro de Estadística Aplicada, Universidad Veracruzana | Inteligencia de Negocio y Big Data
  • 01/06/2017 | Taipei | IE HST | Data Visualization and Storytelling
  • 31/05/2017 | Manila | IE HST | Data Visualization and Storytelling
  • 30/05/2017 | Singapore | IE HST | Data Visualization and Storytelling
  • 29/05/2017 | Jakarta | IE HST | Data Visualization and Storytelling
  • 17/03/2017 | Madrid | UOC Alumni & Corporate | Talento y tecnología: agentes del cambio (resumen del acto)
  • 08/03/2017 | London | IE Tech Talks | Towards the cognitive enterprise
  • 27/10/2016 | Tbilisi | Bank of Georgia University | How Companies are generating value from Big Data
  • 12/10/2016 | Moscow | Teradata Forum | Towards the cognitive era
  • 02/06/2016 | Moscow | Microsoft CIO Summit | Data Driven Organizations
  • 13/05/2016 | Bilbao | EMC | La modernización del data center
  • 27/01/2016 | London | Big Data Talks | IE Business School | 4 Weddings and a funeral
  • 2016 | Madrid | Sngular | Customer Analytics: qué se necesita y cómo conseguirlo
  • 2016 | London | Tableau | How to equip students with strong analytical skills
  • 14/12/2015 | Barcelona | TELSpain | Workshop «Big Data & Learning Analytics Workshop«
  • 03/12/2015 | Baku | IE Venture Day | Analytical Business Models
  • 02/12/2015 | Baku | Big Data Tour | Analytical Business Models (at ADA University)
  • 30/11/2015 | Moscow | Big Data Tour | Analytical Business Models
  • 28/11/2015 | Moscow | IE Big Data Day
  • 27/11/2015 | Kiev | KyivStar | Analytical Business Models
  • 26/11/2015 | Kiev | KyivStar Business Hub | Big Idea vs. Big Data
  • 26/11/2015 | Kiev | Microsoft | Analytical Business Models
  • 14/10/2015 | Moscow | IT Leader Forum 2015 | Big Data & Information Modelling
  • 07/10/2015 | London | Content Delivery World 2015 | Making the Most of Big Data
  • 09/07/2015 | Barcelona | Mesa Redonda Gestión Documental
  • 03/07/2015 | Barcelona | Seminario Big Data | Big Data: compitiendo en la era del dato
  • 16/06/2015 | Marbella | XXI Conferencia Internacional ComputerWorld | Estado CIO 2015
  • 21/05/2015 | Madrid | Inteligencia Digital 2015 | Modelos, servicios, aplicaciones y plataformas que podemos encontrar en la Nube
  • 29/04/2015 | Madrid | IDG Big Data Forum | Big Data: La revolución silenciosa
  • 22/04/2015 | Russia | Digital October | Transforming your organization into a Big Data company
  • 16/04/2015 | Madrid | Big Data Fighters | Las mil caras del dato: modelos de negocio analíticos
  • 12/11/2014 & 13/11/2014 | Cameroon | ICT Days Cameroon | Disruptive Innovation, Big Data and SMAC
  • 25/09/2014 | Madrid | JasperWorld Madrid | Por qué BI y BA son relevantes en la era del Big Data
  • 12/06/2014 | Madrid | DCD Converged 2014 | Bienvenidos a la economía digital | Panel expertos en Big Data
  • 04/06/2014 | Madrid | Inteligencia Digital 2014 – Big Data y Business Intelligence
  • 29/05/2014 | Milan | DCD Converged 2014 | Expert Panel: Big Data in Italia
  • 15/05/2014 | London | JasperWorld: European Tour | Why BI still matters in a Big Data world
  • 24/04/2014 | London | IE Business School | Master Class | Welcome to the Data Economy
  • 12/03/2014 | Madrid | Eurocloud España | Expert panel: Big Data
  • 25/02/2014 | Webinar | Jaspersoft & Talend | Believe the hype: It’s all about the data
  • 13/02/2014 | Madrid | Jornada UOC | Inteligencia de Negocio y Big Data | Presentación
  • 24/10/2013 | Madrid | JasperWorld: European Tour | Estrategias de datos: la clave hacia la era de las maravillas
  • IBM Forum 2011 – Hacia la gestión de la información