Amazon & me

Tras un par de semanas, me alegra comentar que mis nuevos libros también están disponibles en Amazon. Estos son los links:

Y además el anterior, que ya estaba: Introducción al Business Intelligence (disponible tanto en papel como en ebook).

De hecho, he aprovechado para crear mi página de autor en Amazon (aunque por un tema de nombres aún en proceso de asignación).


Great news! All my books are now available in Amazon. Work in progress to improve it my author page at Amazon.


Big Data in Kiev, Moscow and Baku

While I’m still in Baku, I want to write down some thoughts about my last week. This last week I had the honour and privilege of speaking about Big Data (not alone but travelling with IE Business School team and sharing the stage with Newton Campos who is presenting his new entrepreneurial book «The Myth of the Idea» around the world) across three amazing cities (from many different and surprising perspectives): Kiev, Moscow and Baku. If never been there, I strongly recommend to pay a visit.

Sometimes when we speak about data, it seems that the majority of examples are from United States. Whist it is true that the amount of companies applying this strategy in this country is much bigger than in the rest of the world, it doesn’t meant that there is not interest in Big Data or interesting applied examples and companies in other countries or regions.

One thing I ‘ve confirmed is: companies in Kiev, Moscow and Baku are very interested in Big Data Strategies. They want to know everything about this (novel) concept: when it is required, why they need it, how they can start, what they need to take into consideration, which resources and capabilities they need to develop, acquire or hire,… And there are many professionals and students that are interested in becoming data scientist or big data engineer! So inspiring! If we think for a moment, if (all) companies are required (or it seems so) to be a (big) data company, it makes sense to have such as inspirational dream.

As you can imagine, I had the opportunity to enjoy deep and interesting conversations with many managers about this topic as well. This type of conversations is always a bi-direccional process. I had the chance to discover new applications and share use cases and scenarios.

It has been a long trip with many flights and many more master classes, but I can assure you the effort has been worth. Still in Baku, waiting for my next investing conversation.

By the way, if you want to know what happened in each one of those master class you will check it soon at Big Data Tours.